Hola! I’m Tash.

An actor and professional talker.

It’s so lovely you stopped by! This is the page where I have to tell you about me. Unforunately, I tend to ramble, but I’ll try to keep it brief(ish).

In a nutshell

I’m a law-grad turned fulltime actor and voice artist. And to answer your question, no, you probably haven’t me in anything massive (yet), but I’ve spent a good amount of time on some big sets (Disney +, Apple TV), lots of time on indie sets (Empire Studios, Bamyasi Media), and worked with some incredibly talented people. That being said, if you’re in the UK, USA or Australia, my voice has most definitely tried to sell you something at some stage.

From the second I entered this world, we all knew I was going to have a flair for the dramatics. My mum couldn’t put me down when I was a baby because the vocal chops on this read head were strong. And I did NOT let up.

My time as a kiddlywink was nothing out of the ordinary. I did ballet for most of my youth with taught me both a high level of discipline, and that hair gel could be used to tame frizzies to avoid being teased. Unfortunately that also resulted in me, with my sizeable forehead, looking nearly bald for most of my pre-hair-straightener years.

Cut to many years, one law/commerce degree and too long in hospitality later, I had the realisation that if I just harnessed those vocal chops for good, I could build quite the lucrative career in voiceover. So much so that I could support myself whilst slowly building up my on-screen acting portfolio. These days if I’m not on set, you can find me in my voice lair working for brands like Google, BMW, Microsoft and Nike, or creating weird and wonderful characters.

One of the things I pride myself on , is being like a sponge. I love learning new things and mastering new skills. Over the years I’ve taken and edited headshots, designed websites, done sound operation work on set, camera operated on occasion, and even done some writing and producing. It’s given me a well-rounded view of this crazy industry I’m a part of, and a HUGE amount of respect and admiration for the various crew members on set (and we thought our job as actors was hard?!).

I’m sassy, energetic, often get labeled ‘assertive’ (still haven’t determined if that’s good or bad)

I’m sassy, energetic, often get labeled ‘assertive’ (still haven’t determined if that’s good or bad), and have a signature red mane which can inflate to sizes well beyond what Hagrid could have ever dreamed.

So, for whatever reason you stumbled across this page, I hope you’ve found what you need. Be it an actor to hire, a voice artist to work with, or someone to help you get your foot in the door as a voice artist. If you’ve got questions, I’m always around for a chat. Hop over to my contact page and flick me an email.


Learn a few things about many things

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